Emergency Road Service Insurance. Is It Worth It?

Emergency Road Service Insurance is designed to provide financial assistance, technicians, or professional help for minor emergencies while you are on a trip. It is inexpensive—often less than $100.00 per year.

Emergency Road Service Insurance provides you with help for those common mishaps such as running out of fuel, towing, or flat-tire service—but not normal maintenance items. For example, on a large motorhome, it would be extremely rare for anyone to have the tools with them to enable them to change a tire. It is also rare that you would even carry a spare. Therefore, the service is invaluable—especially for the cost. But, as always, read what you are paying for before you buy.

Here are some of the more commonly covered services:

  • Flat-Tire Service: Qualified technicians are dispatched to change a tire and may include locating and delivering a new tire.
  • Towing to the nearest Service Professional: May pay 100% of RV towing fees to the nearest independent professional service center. Actual towing distance may be unlimited.
  • Emergency Fuel Delivery: Typically, five gallons of fuel will be delivered.
  • Lost Key & Lock Out Service: A pre-paid locksmith is dispatched to your location.
  • 24/7 Toll-Free Emergency Dispatch: You can always reach a real person.
  • Roadside Repairs: A mobile mechanic is dispatched to make minor roadside repairs to your vehicle.
  • Trip Interruption Help: Reimbursement for meals, rental car, and lodging if your vehicle is disabled due to a collision. Typically, you must be over 100 miles from home.
  • Protection For Household Vehicles: May include cars, pick-ups, SUVs, motorcycles, and even boat trailers.
  • Spouse & Children Protection: May include spouse and children under 25 years old living at home or attending college.
  • Emergency Medical Referral Service: Assistance with personal or medical emergencies related to an accident or illness while traveling.

Notice the use of the phrase “may include” numerous times in the bullet points above. Various RV organizations, some dealers, and some manufacturers sell (or resell) these policies. Check directly with the policy before you make the purchase to really see what coverage you are getting.

Buying This Insurance

There are a number of companies that sell the Emergency Road Service insurance. Some common “car” insurance companies offer several of the services listed above. Those that specialize in RV Emergency Road Service insurance include Good Same Roadside Assistance, The American Automobile Association (AAA)Allstate InsuranceThe Better World Club, The Paragon Motor Club, and Progressive Insurance Company.